CBFC refuses to certify Lipstick Under My Burkha


The director of Lipstick Under My Burkha, Alankrita Shrivastava, criticised CBFC’s decision saying it is an “assault on women’s rights” and she will fight till the end to get her film released.
The release of filmmaker Prakash Jha’s upcoming production Lipstick Under My Burkha, starring Konkona Sensharma and Ratna Pathak Shah, has hit a roadblock after the censor board refused to certify the film.
Listing the reasons for denial of certificate, Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) in a letter, posted by Bollywood celebrities online, wrote, “The story is lady oriented, their fantasy above life. There are contanious sexual scenes, abusive words, audio pornography and a bit sensitive touch about one particular section of society, hence film refused under guidelines (sic).”
