Caught on video for thrashing thief, grocer held in Chuadanga


UNB, Chuadanga :

A shopkeeper in Chuadanga was caught on video thrashing an alleged thief, prompting the police to arrest him on Tuesday night.

Police said that Sheikh Amanullah, the owner of ‘Sheikh Traders’, was arrested after an online video of him brutally beating up a 22-year-old man at the busy Hafiz intersection in Alamdanga went viral on social media.

“We placed him under arrest around 11 pm for further interrogation,” said Saiful Islam, officer-in-charge of Alamdanga police station.


The youth, identified as Saddam Hossain, cops said, stole some food items from a vehicle parked outside Amanullah’s grocery store for unloading goods on Tuesday afternoon.

After he was caught by locals following a brief chase, Amanullah tied Saddam up with a bamboo pole and beat him up with a plastic pipe mercilessly. A passerby shot the video and uploaded it on a social media platform.
