Sexual harassment of girl student: Case registered against 2 teachers in Sharankhola

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Mother of a girl student of Rayenda Govt Pilot High School in Sharankhola Upazila in Bagerhat district registered a case with Sharankhola PS against 2 teachers of the school at Thursday night on the charge of sexual harassment of her daughter who is a student Class-X of the school. Police have already took it into account and started to investigate into the matter.
It is allegedly stated in the case that Shahinuzzaman Shahin, English teacher of the School had been sexually harassing the victim girl student very often. On March 03 in the year 2019 finding the girl alone in the school compound the accused teacher proposed her to share with him in an immoral act. The matter was brought to the notice of the Headmaster of the school by the mother of the girl. But the Headmaster did not take any action in this respect. On the other hand the Headmaster asked the mother not to send her daughter to the school. Not only that but also the Headmaster threatened the mother saying that a TC will be issued in favour of her. On January 18 the victim girl came to the school and tried to include her name into the list of the competitors who will participate in the annual sports of the school. Assistant teacher Shinuzzaman Shahin did not enlist her name. On the contrary he called her a bad girl and asked her to get out from the school campound. Then the girl brought the matter to the notice of the headmaster. But the headmaster supported the assistant teacher. Not only that but also he rebuked the girl and drove her out from the school campus.
The girl could not take this insult easily and became mentally very upset. As a result, she took insecticide in order to commit suicide and fell ill seriously. She was immediately admitted to Sharankhola Upazila Health Complex for treatment. But considering her precarious condition she was shifted to Khulna Medical College Hospital where she has been undertaking treatment. In this circumstances, mother of the girl registered the case with the local PS accusing those 2 teachers.

 S K Abdullah-al-Sayeed, Officer-in-charge of Sharankhola PS told, when the mother of the girl lodged a case with the PS under Amti-Woman and Children Repression Act we recorded it as a regular case and we have already started investigation into the matter.
When contacted Sultan Ahmed, Headmaster of Rayuenda Pilot High School told the newsmen, the girl made no complaint to me about the matter and she did meet with me at all.
