Case filed over death of Rayhan in Sylhet police custody

Sylhet Bureau :
A case was filed Sunday night in connection with the death — allegedly in police custody — of Rayhan Ahmed at Bandarbazar Police Outpost in Sylhet city early Sunday.
Jyotirmoy Sarker, additional deputy commissioner of Sylhet Metropolitan Police said,
Rayhan’s wife Tahmina Akther Tanni filed the murder case with Kotwali Police Station, accusing several unknown persons. In the case statement, she said that Rayhan was tortured to death by some people at the police station.
The 33-year-old man went out to work on Saturday afternoon and later that night around 4:30am, his mother received a call from an unknown number. During the call, Rayhan urged to bring some money to the police outpost to release him.
Rayhan’s uncle reached the police outpost with Tk 4,000 around 5:30am and a policeman asked him to bring Tk 10,000 around 10:00am, the case statement said.
When he reached with the money in the morning, he was told to go to Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital where he found Rayhan dead.
Additional DC Jyotirmoy Sarker said, “We are looking into the matter.”
The deceased was identified as Rayhan Ahmed, 34, resident of Akharia in Sylhet city.
Locals blocked the Sylhet-Sunamganj highway for half an hour at Akhalia area on Monday following the death of Rayhan allegedly in police custody.
Rayhan’s uncle went to Bandarbazar police out-post at 9 am when police said Rayhan fell sick and was taken to hospital at 7 am.
After rushing to hospital he came to know that Rayhan was already dead and his body has been sent for post-mortem examination.
Rayhan’s uncle said ” Rayhan was killed in police torture, his body bore numerous wound marks.”
Police earlier claimed that Rayhan was caught by locals of Kastghar area while mugging and was lynched.
Soumen Moitra, inspector of Sylhet Kotwali Police Station said no written complaint has been filed over the matter.
Meanwhile, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Sylhet Metropolitan Police (SMP) Jotirmoy Sarkar said they are investigating the matter.
“Action will be taken if involvement of any police is found over the matter.”, he said.