Case filed over attack on Khaleda’s motorcade

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Police in Feni have started a case on the first spell of attacks that were carried on BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s motorcade while she was on her way to visit refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar on Saturday.
“The case accuses 25-30 unidentified people,” Feni police OC Rashed Khan told
“Investigations are on to bring the perpetrators to book,” the OC said refusing to provide further details.

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia left Dhaka on Saturday morning to visit Rohingya refugees stranded in Cox’s Bazar.
Several cars of her motorcade came under attack by a group of unidentified men as soon as it passed Comilla’s Chouddagram and reached Feni’s Mohammad Ali Bazar area.
More than 30 cars belonging to the motorcade, including those carrying journalists, were damaged.
The BNP has blamed the ruling party for the attack, while the Awami League denied and claimed the attack was an outcome of BNP’s internal feud.
On the way back to Dhaka on Tuesday, the BNP convoy once again witnessed violence as it drove past Feni’s Mahipal area. Two buses were firebombed and explosives were detonated.
