Case filed for murder of newborn


Court Correspondent :
A murder case was filed yesterday in connection with the death of a newborn in the city’s Mirpur area on Saturday.
The newborn girl was found dead in Rupnagar residential area, after reportedly being thrown from the ventilator of a washroom on the fourth floor of a building on road-10 around 11:30am on Saturday. The case was filed with Rupnagar Police Station in this connection, accusing three persons- the baby’s mother, her grandfather and another person, said Golam Rabbani, Officer-in-Charge (Investigation) of the police station.
However, later, the OC (Investigation) could not be contacted over telephone to know the names of the baby’s mother, her grandfather and another accused of the case. The Duty Officer of the police station did not provide this correspondent the mobile phone number of OC Golam Rabbani. It has been learnt that the baby’s mother and her grandfather have been arrested.
Meanwhile, the autopsy of the deceased was conducted at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College morgue and it revealed that she died from injuries sustained after falling from a building, morgue sources said.
