Wealth case: Case against Moudud to proceed, court changed

Court Correspondent :
The High Court has scrapped a petition by BNP leader Moudud Ahmed to dismiss the case against him on charges of illegal wealth acquisition and hiding wealth information.
Justice Obaidul Hassan and Justice Krishna Debnath, however, accepted a petition by Moudud to change the venue for the case and
ordered the completion of the trial within six months at Tuesday’s hearing.
On June 21, a Dhaka court had indicted Moudud over the case by the Anti-Corruption Commission or ACC and ordered it to proceed to trial.
Moudud had challenged the decision and also petitioned for a change in venue.
The High Court bench ordered the metropolitan senior special judge to set another court for the trial, saying hearings should not be adjourned without ‘logical cause’.
Former Law Minister Moudud represented himself at the hearing. He was accompanied by Abdullah Al Mamun. Khurshid Alam Khan represented the ACC.
ACC Deputy Director Shariful Hoque Siddiqui started the case against Moudud, a standing committee member of the BNP, during the state of emergency in 2007.
Moudud is accused of amassing wealth worth over Tk 73.8 million through illegal means and for concealing information about wealth worth over Tk 44 million in his statement.