Carry out court proceedings digitally: President

BSS, Dhaka :
President M Abdul Hamid on Friday called upon all concerned to carry out all types of court proceedings as well as preserve all its documents digitally.
“Carry out court proceedings digitally . . . As the Supreme Court (SC) is the ‘Court of Record’, I think it is very important to digitally preserve all its documents and all its activities from the filing of the case to the announcement of the verdict,” he said.
The head of the state was delivering his virtual speech from Bangabhaban on the ‘Supreme Court Day -2020’.
Terming the information technology (IT) as an integral part of the daily life, President Hamid said even during the global pandemic Coronavirus, it has been possible for the courts to use IT to ensure justice for the people in a virtual way.
“For this I thank all those involved in this (digital) activity,” the head of the state added.
The President urged judges, lawyers and all concerned to ensure the rule of law and justice by utilizing their respective talents and thinking, being liable to country, people and Constitution.
He said Bangladesh constitution stated that all citizens are equal to the eyes of law and are entitled to equal protection of the law.
“Therefore, it should be remembered that a litigant has the right to get justice. And it is our responsibility and duty to ensure the right of the citizen. There is no question of kindness or favour here,” President Hamid added.
Noting that country’s apex court Supreme Court is the guardian of the sacred Constitution, the President said since its (SC) inception, the Bangladesh Supreme
Court has been playing a commendable role in protecting the fundamental rights of the people, establishing the rule of law and ensuring justice for the litigants.
The Supreme Court declared the Fifth and Seventh Amendments to the Constitution null and void, and restored the democratic rights of the people, he said.
Despite various hurdles, Abdul Hamid said the Supreme Court has played a commendable role in consolidating the rule of law in the country through the trial of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman murder case and the trial of war criminals.
Reviewing the previous history, he said it is seen that the Supreme Court protected the basic human rights as well as the Constitution of the people whenever it is needed in the crisis of the nation.
About the role of the lawyers, President Hamid, also a former practicing lawyer, said, “Lawyers are an essential part of the trial process through which judicial work cannot proceed without their help.”