Carrot soup for warm

Life desk :
Winters are a great time for having piping hot soup. What’s even better is if your soup is loaded with vitamins and delivers a lip-smacking dose of health. And a bowl of hot carrot soup is just what your body needs, since it contains high amounts of Vitamin A, fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc. While a raw carrot might not rank high on your palette, you can opt for some easy soup instead.
About 250 grams carrots, washed, peeled and chopped
1 medium sized onion
1 tea spoon olive oil
1 small piece ginger
2 garlic cloves
Vegetable stalk
Salt and pepper to taste
Method: Peel and chop the garlic, onions and ginger.
In a pressure cooker, heat 1 tea spoon of olive oil and add garlic, onions and ginger to it. Cook the onions until they turn light brown and add chopped carrots to it and let it sautee for under a minute on medium flame.
Now, add one cup of vegetable stalk or water, and cook until the carrots are tender. You can also close the cooker lid and wait for two whistles. Take out the soup, cool it and put it in a blender to mince the softened carrots. Strain it and add half a cup water and re heat. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve it hot.