Capt Ishtiaque made ISASI permanent member


Ishtiaque Hossain, a senior Captain of Boeing 777 in Biman Bangladesh Airlines, has been permanently nominated as a full member of International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI).
He is the first Bangladeshi permanent member at the United States-based sole organisation specifically created for the air safety investigators and aircraft accident prevention professionals in the world, said a press release.
ISASI was founded under articles of incorporation in the District of Columbia on August 14 in 1964.
Captain Ishtiaque Hossain is also the Regional Vice-President of Montreal-Canada based International Federation of Airlines Pilots’ Association (IFALPA), the Global Voice of the Pilots’ which works closely with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)-a specialised agency of the United Nations Organisation and International Labour Organisation (ILO).
