Capitol police fears riot repeat as Jan 6 nears


Xinhua :
A Capitol police officer said that with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot anniversary drawing near, he fears a violence repeat, U.S. broadcaster NPR reported on Thursday.
U.S. Capitol Police Aquilino Gonell recalled his experience in the Jan. 6 riot to NPR. Nearly one year later, he still cannot raise his left arm due to
injuries he sustained during the attack.
Gonell said the penalties for many rioters are not enough. “Their jail time is less than my recovery time,” Gonell added.
Moreover, Gonell said it galls him to hear politicians downplay the events of Jan. 6, according to NPR.
Gonell hopes the ongoing prosecutions lead to stiff penalties. “What I don’t want is for some of these people to think it’s OK, regardless of what the political figures are saying,” he said.
“If these people don’t get some type of deterrent, it will happen again, and that’ll be on us.”
