Cancellation of eviction notice demanded in M’bazar

Kulaura (Moulvibazar) Correspondent :
Environmentalists with civil societies formed a human chain demanding cancellation of the eviction notice on Saturday at Moulvibazar Press Club area in the district town. The demands include establishing constitutional rights of indigenous people and formation of a separate land commission to protect their land rights.
Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon arranged the programme and Indigenous Human Rights Defenders, KUBORAJ, Khasi Students Union, Bangladesh Garo Students Union also joined the programme. Human chain was presided by Prof Syed Muzibur Rahman and was facilitated by Saleh Sohel.
The speakers at the human chain said that the indigenous people are victims of discrimination in different fields as the government did not pay proper attention to their causes.
They are always lagging behind as they are being deprived of their rights in all sectors, they said.
The speakers demanded immediate formation of a separate land commission to protect their rights on the plain lands. They also called to establish a separate ministry for indigenous people to deal with their problems.
Gourango Patro, President, Bangladesh Adibashi Forum, Sylhet unit considers his solidarity to the victims. The Khasi are the non-violent communities and demand the punishment who related with the incident. Flora Bably Talang, general secretary of KUBORAJ, a Khasi rights based organization said the Khasi people recognize the forest as their mother and we can’t separate the relationship with Khasi people and forest.

We break and torch our head when we evict the Khasi people and sham on a Bangladesh citizen. The responsibility of state is to ensure the security of the Khasi community not the foreign state. The state should be take urgent action against the perpetrator and guarantee Khasi life security without delay.
Tofazzal Sohel, general secretary of Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon, Habiganj unit said, “Ensure the security of Khasi People in Bangladesh especially in Nahar Khasi Punjee.
He demands to take immediate action to stop eviction notice. If the state fails to do its responsibilities we will stay on street and continue our movement.
Abdul Karim Kim, General Secretary of Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon, Sylhet chapter said, God gives us hand to pray and help others but we use it to kill and beat Khasi people. He makes some questions to the state, aren’t we Human being? Aren’t we the Bangladesh citizens? We also have the rights to live our lives. Media should be taken in the right track and truth.
