Canadian envoy visits flood-hit areas in Cox’s Bazar


Canadian High Commissioner in Dhaka Benoît- Pierre Laramée on Sunday said Canada is working with partners on the ground to determine the best and quickest way to support the recovery efforts in the flood-affected areas.
The diplomat travelled to Cox’s Bazar to observe and assess the flooding in the district. The High Commissioner met local officials who are assessing the extent of the damage and planning the recovery effort, according to Canadian High Commission in Dhaka.
He also visited a community clinic, Upazila health complex and district hospital supported by the government of Canada in partnership with UNICEF.
“Over the last two days I have seen the devastation and suffering caused by the flooding. Although the final assessment is not completed, I observed that throughout the district many homes are underwater,” said the diplomat.
He said tragically, no one suffers more than those who are already poor and vulnerable. “I have also, even in these early days, seen the resilience of the people of Bangladesh: people working in fields, children at school, and health centers delivering services.” The diplomat mentioned that the Government of Bangladesh, UN agencies and local NGOs have already started providing immediate humanitarian assistance.
