Canadian business leader encourages Trudeau to pursue long-term deal with China

Xinhua, Ottawa :
As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to begin his official visit to China, a business association here believes Trudeau’s visit will include trade negotiations with China as Canada’s trade pact with the U.S. and Mexico is in increasing uncertainty.
“I think it’s important that he’s going to Beijing because of what we’ve heard in Washington,” said former Canadian cabinet minister Perrin Beatty, who now serves as president and chief executive officer of the 92-year-old Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
On Thursday – three days before Trudeau’s trip to China on Sunday – the U.S. website POLITICO published comments from Canada’s ambassador in Washington DC David MacNaughton in which he described the Trump administration’s approach to renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as “take, take, take” and warned that as a result THEN talks might not “end well.”
“If we are wise, we should be looking to diversify our trade,” said Beatty, a frequent visitor to China, who was in the country last year during Trudeau’s first trip when the Canadian prime minister attended the G20 meeting in Hangzhou.