Canada`s Fed Court rejects killer Noor’s asylum plea

UNB, Dhaka :
The Federal Court of Canada has rejected a political asylum plea of Bangabandhu’s self-confessed killer Noor
Chowdhury asking the country to extradite him from the country, reports Anandabazar Patrika on Wednesday.
The Canadian Federal Court made it clear that Noor Chowdhury has been living in Canada illegally and the Canadian government, if it wants, can send extradite him any time, the report says.
However, the Foreign Ministry here is still unaware of any such development as there has been confirmation through official channel and is trying to verify the information surfaced through Anandabazar report. “Any official confirmation is yet to come. If we receive any confirmation officially, we’ll certainly share it,” acting Foreign Secretary Rear Admiral (retd) Md Khurshed Alam told UNB when his attention was drawn to the report.
Officials in Dhaka said it would be a big development if the facts are correct. On Friday, Bangladesh and Canada agreed to find out a way for the extradition of Noor Chowdhury, a convicted killer of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, through discussions. The two countries reached the consensus on the issue during a meeting between Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau at Hyatt Regency Montreal. Officials of the two countries would sit down to find out a way for the extradition of the death row convict.