Canada to withdraw warplanes from anti-IS alliance

The Times Of Israel, Ottawa :
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was set to unveil Monday new plans for Canada’s role in the international coalition against the Islamic State group, including his pledge to stop involvement in air strikes.
Ottawa’s plans to withdraw its warplanes from the US-led coalition targeting IS fighters in Syria is a symbolic blow against allied unity in the fight. Trudeau, Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion and Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan will speak at a press conference.
“We really want to announce a holistic approach, and this includes all our contributions in terms of military, in terms of diplomacy and in terms
of humanitarian assistance and development,” said International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau. Since he took office, Trudeau has been reminding countries in the US-led coalition that he wants to pull out Canada’s six F18s.