Canada announces further sanctions against Russia


Xinhua, Ottawam :
Canada is imposing further economic sanctions and travel bans against Russia in support of Ukraine, a statement by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Tuesday.
Since the start of the Ukraine crisis, Canada has imposed economic sanctions against hundreds of Russian companies, institutions and individuals.
This time, Canada is imposing additional asset freezes and travel bans against four Russian individuals, and economic sanctions against five Russian manufacturers and one financial institution.
“Despite the efforts by President (Petro) Poroshenko to end the violence in Eastern Ukraine, the (Vladimir) Putin regime’s military aggression continues. For example, today we are seeing reports that President Putin has ordered a surge of troops in Crimea, and we have seen no evidence of progress on our calls for the Putin regime to end its support to the armed militants fomenting violence,” said Baird in the statement.
The sanctions imposed in coordination with Canada’s allies are without a doubt having an effect on the Russian economy. Canada stands prepared to move further with our allies and partners to hold the Putin regime accountable, said Baird.
According to the Canadian minister, Canada will continue to stand in steadfast support of the Ukrainian people as they struggle for peace and freedom against Russia and “those responsible for fanning the flames of conflict will continue to face increased pressure through targeted sanctions.”
The four Russian individuals are General Dmitry Vitalievich Bulgakov, Lieutenant-General Yuriy Eduardovich Sadovenko, Colonel- General Nikolay Bogdanovskiy, and Colonel-General Oleg Leonidovich Salyukov, all senior officers in the Russian Armed Forces.
The five Russian manufacturers are OJSC Dolgoprudny Research Production Enterprise (DNPP), JSC Kalinin Machine-Building Plant ( MZiK), Mitischinskii Machine-Building Plant OAO (MMZ), V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design ( NIIP) and Marine Scientific Research Institute of Radioelectronics Altair (MNIIRE “Altair”) while the one Russian financial institution is Sberbank.
