Canada announces $100m for those hit by Rohingya crisis

UNB, Dhaka :
Canada on Wednesday announced around $100 million in humanitarian and development initiatives to help those seriously affected by Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh.
This includes $32.15 million in humanitarian assistance to mitigate the impact of the monsoon and cyclone seasons, improve the living conditions in Rohingya camps, support sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response initiatives, and increase access to health facilities and sexual and reproductive health services.
It also includes $67.7 million in development assistance to expand health and basic education services, address gender-based violence, and provide skills training and resources to increase women’s opportunities for income generation.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development Kamal Khera, on behalf of Canadian Minister of International Development and Minister for Women and Gender Equality Maryam Monsef, announced these initiatives as she concluded a three-day visit to Bangladesh.
She met government officials and humanitarian and development partners, as well as Rohingyas and host communities in Cox’s Bazar district.
As a key partner in the international response to the Rohingya crisis, Canada is committed to continuing working with domestic, regional and international partners to deliver life-saving and gender-responsive support to the hundreds of thousands of people affected by the Rohingya crisis, said the Canadian High Commission in Dhaka.