Cameron announces start of UK election campaign


AFP, London :
 Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday announced the start of the campaign for Britain’s May 7 election after meeting Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace to formalise the dissolution of parliament.
In a speech in front of his residence at 10 Downing Street following his royal audience, Cameron said that voters faced a “stark choice” between him and his main centre-left challenger, Labour’s Ed Miliband.
“The general election will be held on May 7 and until that day I will be going to all four corners of all four nations of our United Kingdom with one message — together we are turning the country around.
“Britain is on the right track,” he said, listing his government’s economic achievements and adding that Britain had been “on the brink” when he came to power in 2010 following 13 years of Labour government.
“You can choose an economy that grows… or you can choose the economic chaos of Ed Miliband,” he said.
