O B R observed in Barisal: Call to take stern step to stop all kinds of violence against women

Barisal Correspondent :
Right activists in different parts of Barisal on Thursday morning holding human chain rallies observed ‘One Billion Rising (OBR)’ global action on the eve of Valentine’s Day urged government to take stern step to stop all kinds of violence against women.
The OBR rallies this year focusing on “Justice”, were organised by different non-government organization including BRAC in front of Barisal district judge courtship and Barisal NGO Development Network in front of Ashwini Kumar Hall of the city.
Members and activists of socio-cultural forums, rights organisations and many women and girls participated in the programmes.
The organizers said Valentine’s Day is about romance and roses for many. But now it will also see flash mobs and protests around the world to raise awareness of violence against women.
The speakers and participants of the rallies in their speeches, banner and placards said society and the state must make the country safe for women and girls in and out every where from roads , transports, institutions, to homes, families, societies .
One in three women in the world -one billion in total – are victims of violence at some point in their lifetime. It is a shocking statistic, and one that prompted the One Billion Rising(OBR) campaign in 190 countries, the speakers of the programmes said.
“So, for us, ‘OBR’ is for justice, equality, peace and harmony. We need to work on all aspects of life – laws, governance, family, culture, religion, media — and today we commit to carry forward this freedom movement,” the right activists urged.
Lack of strong socio-political commitment towards ensuring women’s rights contribute to the increase in abuse and violence against women and girl children in the country, the participants of the programmes observed.
Participants of the programmes also stressed the need for developing strong social movement against the perpetrators, social boycott and legal punishment of the criminals and defenders of the crime like women-abuse.
Expressing their concern at increasing incidents of violence and abuse against women in the country, they said the number of crimes against women was increasing as most of the perpetrators were being able to escape punishment.
They called for breaking the silence and socio-political commitment to make Bangladesh safe for women and girls in every where by ensuring exemplary punishment of the perpetrators through speedy trial.
They said that lax laws regarding punishment of perpetrators of violence against women and girls, protracted trial of such crimes.