Call to stop Rohingya genocide


Mawlana Abdur Raqib Advocate, Chairman of Islami Oikajote and President of Nezame Islam party, Secretary Professor Mawlana Abdul Karim Khan and Joint Secretary Bir Muktijoddha Dr. Mawlana Showkat Ameen Peer Shaheb B. Baria in a statement called to make the after Jumma agitation program of Hefazate Islam (on 25th Nov) protesting Rohingya genocide successful and said, it is the demand of world humanity to seize the Nobel Prize for peace from ‘Queen of unrest’ and leader of killing terrorist forces, Aung San Suu Kyi, who is a follower of a religion which preaches “Killing lives is a great sin”. After the, killing of Rohingyas by shooting, burning and submersing-the reaction of U.N.O, OIC and world conscience is insufficient. They urged all the countries and organizations to create strong pressure upon Myanmar on this regard.
