Call to stop passengers’ harassment in name of ‘sitting service’

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Jatri Kalyan Samity (BJKS) on Sunday urged the government to take steps to end all kinds of ‘anarchy and passengers’ harassment’ in the name of sitting service of buses.
BJKS, a passenger Welfare Association, made the call at a discussion at Jatiya Press Club in the city.
BJKS also placed some suggestions to stop the harassment of the passengers in the name of sitting service.
The suggestions included sitting service buses will have to charge fare as per the government fixed rate, the sitting service buses must be neat and clean, owners cannot lease out the buses to the drivers on daily contract basis, there will be no extra seat in the sitting buses and all sitting service buses should have different color for their easy identification. BJKS Secretary General, Mozammel Haque Chowdhury read out the key note paper in the discussion. In the key note paper, Mozammel said that though government has fixed the bus-fare (per kilometre TK 1.7 for bus and TK 1.60 for minibus) in Dhaka city but 96 percent bus-minibus owners do not obey this.
Various companies fix different bus fares for their own transports disobeying the government’s order, he added. The Socialist Students’ Front member Samsun Nahar Jochna, journalist and Professor Ajoy Kumar Das among the representatives of civil society also spoke. They urged to increase the number of buses including those exclusively for women. They also stressed the need for providing proper training to bus, minibus and truck drivers.