Call to set up upazila agriculture courts


Speakers at a dialogue called for setting up agriculture courts at upazila level to provide legal assistance to the farmers and agriculture labourers for protecting their rights.
They also emphasized for adopting farmer-friendly policy and law to minimize the influence of middlemen.
Action Aid Bangladesh (AAB), Kendrio Krishak Moitree (KKM) and Asian Farmers Association (AFA) jointly organized the dialogue at the Jatiya Press Club on Saturday.
Speaking on the occasion as chief guest, Fazle Hossain Badsha, MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, said formation of agriculture court at upazila level is needed to solve the problems of the farmers.
“The farmers should pressurize the government so that their problems are solved easily within short possible time,” he added.
Badsha also advocated for the inclusion of the farmer organizations to allocate lease of the khas land and water bodies.
He also stressed on the allocation of interest-free loan to the farmers.
Researcher Farhat Jahan gave a keynote presentation on the issue with KKM President M Monir Ahmed in the chair. AAB Executive Director Farah Kabir moderated the discussion.
Professor M M Akash recommended for establishing e-markets in the villages with the government assistance to ensure the reasonable price of agriculture products.
He said, “The farmers would never get fair price of their products if the middlemen remain between farmer and buyer.”
Akash put emphasis for proper coordination among farmers and agriculture labourers. “If they establish a common platform, they would be able to bargain for their own rights.”
Demanding equal rights and wages for male and female workers in agriculture, KKM Member farmer Marjina said: “Bangladesh would become a rich country, not middle-income country, if the equal rights for both male and female can be ensured in every stage.”
