‘Call to raise new generation suitable for 21st century’


Posts, Telecommunications and ICT Minister Mustafa Jabbar urged all to raise new generation as suitable for 21st century so that we can build a nation enrich in ICT-based knowledge. “We would not be able to keep pace with the development taking place in ICT sector unless we take necessary steps. We have to select now the tools, which would be used by our kids in future. We have to give knowledge to our children on programming from very early ages,” he said. The minister said this on Sunday while addressing the certificate giving ceremony of three-day workshop on Julia TOT Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at ULAB Auditorium in the city’s Dhanmondi.Organised by Jumpers Forum, the function was addressed among others, by University Grants Commission Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan, BASIS President Syed Almas Kabir and Techno Heaven’s Chief Executive Habibullah N Karim. The ICT minister stressed on using latest technology on programming, saying if we can send a programmer abroad, he would be able to earn more than 115 thousand dollar annually.
A total of 28 representatives from different universities and IT institutes took part in the workshop.
