Call to raise collective voice to expand EFA programme


BSS, Dhaka :
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid called for raising collective voice in Asia-Pacific region to make Education For All (EFA) programme a success.
The global EFA program was born in Jomtein, Thailand- as a unique global initiative in national and international action, he said this while presiding over a session of the three-day Asia-Pacific Regional Education Conference held in Bangkok that began on August 6.
UNESCO ,UNICEF Bangkok and Ministry of Education Thailand in cooperation with Japan and South Korea are organizing the conference.
“We have the opportunity now to raise the collective voice of this region. We can look ahead to 2015 Global Education Forum in Korea and propose an EFA global agenda and EFA 2030 Framework for action,” Nahid said.
He said this would be the distinctive Asian call to the world. About 400 delegates from government officials, academicians, researchers, civil society members, international organizations and other delegates are attending the conference.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid is leading a 11-member Bangladeshi delegation at the conference.
The minister said that this conference is very important as it is preparing the draft document of recommendation for the final conference to be held in South Korea 2015.
“We must mobilize strong support of the entire education community of the Asia Pacific Region behind the new EFA 2030 agenda,” he added.
