Call to practise art, culture to keep extremism at bay


State Minister for Public Administration Ismat Ara Saddique said art and culture could contribute more in keeping the younger generation away from extremism.
“We should practice art and culture as those can contribute more in keeping the younger generation away from extremism as well as terrorist activities,” she said this recently while speaking at a workshop at the BCS Administration Academy at Shahbagh in the city.
The workshop was held on ‘Using arts and culture as a strategic approach to address extremism in Bangladesh’, said an official release.
Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Julia Niblett spoke on the occasion as special guest while Rector of BCS Administration Academy Anwarul Islam Sikder, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration Md Rakib Hossain, Joint Secretary Dr Md Humayun Kabir and Deacon University faculty member Dr Farah Azmat, among others, addressed the workshop.
Ismat said the young generation could play an important role in upholding the values of the art and culture of the country.
She said the government is working to make the officers efficient in tackling all kinds of challenges in the upcoming days.
