Call to maintain growth indicators successfully

BSS, Rajshahi :
Speakers at a post-rally discussion have unequivocally called for maintaining the development indicators successfully for making the nation a middle-income one in near future.
They viewed proper functioning of the country’s business sector and other trade-related activities are the precondition to uphold the growth indicators and that is very important to bolster the economic field. There is no alternative to large-scale expansion of trade and business to take forward the country’s development, they added.
Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate organised the discussion at Nanking Darbar Hall in Rajshahi city to mark the International Customs Day-2015 yesterday.
Firoj Shah Alam, member (VAT Implementation and IT) of National Board of Revenue (NBR), addressed the discussion with AFM Abdullah Khan, Commissioner of Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate, Rajshahi, in the chair.
Commissioner of Rajshahi division Helaluddin Ahmed, Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Md Shamsuddin and President of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industries Moniruzzaman also spoke.
During his welcome speech, Rejaul Haque, joint commissioner of Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate, narrated significance of the day while Shawkat Ali Sadi, another joint commissioner, presented a keynote paper on the issue.
“Every one of us should feel about how to develop the nation and how to reduce the dependency on foreign aid,” said Firoj Shah Alam, adding that the existing provision of importing tax-free vehicle should be abolished.
All should abstain from all the destructive activities that harm and hinder the trade and business related activities, he mentioned.
He viewed that the enhanced revenue collection from both internal and external sources could be the effective means of reducing dependence on foreign aid for executing the uplift programmes.
Importance should be given on creating mass awareness about more revenue collection in the interest of making the country economically self-reliant.
He told the meeting that step has been taken to build Coordination Border Management to make the foreign trade easier and unhindered and the International Customs Organisation will supervise the process.
In observance of the day, officials and staff of the commissionerate organised a huge rally that paraded through the city thoroughfares carrying placards, banners and festoons.