Call to file sedition cases against Tarique

block :Senior Awami League lawmaker Suranjit Sengupta on Friday suggested the Ministry of Home to immediately file sedition cases against Senior BNP Vice Chairman Tarique Rahman for violating the constitution by claiming that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was an ‘illegal’ prime minister.”If Tarique Zia’s remarks were manifestation of his ignorance or stupidity then the BNP-led 18-Party Alliance should confess this and seek apology to the nation or else the matter should be resolved through legal action,” the veteran Awami League leader said while addressing a discussion at the auditorium of the Institute of Diploma Engineers of Bangladesh (IDEB) in the city on Friday.Less than two weeks after making the astounding claim that Ziaur Rahman was Bangladesh’s first president, Tarique Rahman, elder son of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia, said at a discussion in London on Apr 8 that Bangabandhu was an ‘illegal’ prime minister of Bangladesh.
