Call to ensure voting rights of disabled people

City Desk :
Speakers at a discussion called for ensuring voting rights of the disabled people alongside their social and political rights.
They viewed that all of us should feel about the legitimate rights of country’s more than 1.6 crore physically challenged population instead of relying on relief- based approaches.
They were addressing a consultation meeting titled “Voting Rights of the Disabled Population and Participation to Public Life” held at the conference hall of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) on Thursday.
District Badhan Protibandhi Sangstha (DBPS) and Action on Disability and Development (ADD) International jointly organized the programme.
Administrator of Zila Parishad Mahbub Zaman Bhulu addressed the discussion as the chief guest with President of Disabled Legal Aid Committee Advocate Saifur Rahman Khan in the chair.
President of RCCI Moniruzzaman and Headmaster of Hicare School Shahnaz Begum, DBPS Chief Supervisor Firoza Akter Shima and Community Mobilizer of ADD International Jahidur Rahman spoke on the occasion, among others.
In her concept paper presentation, Rozina Akter, General Secretary of District Bikash Protibandhi Nari Parishad, said the physically challenged people are deprived of exercising their right of franchise in every local and national elections due to various problems.
She put forward a set of recommendations and urged the authorities concerned to solve their problems before the forthcoming national election.
Chief Guest Bhulu said both the ruling and opposition parties should work together to ensure fundamental rights to the physically challenged people.
He said the issue of the challenged population has so far been seen from welfare angle. As long as we see them in passive mind, there won’t be any major changes, he added.
“We have to regard these people as the active agent of social change. Project- based activities will not yield the expected results,” he observed. He, however, said the Zila Parishad has adopted various measures for improving living and livelihood condition of the challenged people in the district.