Call to ensure legal aid for poor & distressed litigants

City Desk :
Speakers at a post-rally discussion said the judges, lawyers and others concerned should be more sincere in ensuring legal aid to the grassroots poor, distressed and other needy litigants. They said that all people are equal to the eye of law so emphasis should be given on bringing all the victimized people and litigants under the legal aid coverage whatever and whenever they need.
Giving priority to the legal aid related cases is very important in terms of speedy disposal in the greater interest of the distressed and poor justice-seeker litigants, they held out the view.
District Legal Aid Committee organized the discussion at the District Judge’s Court premises to mark the National Legal Aid Day-2016 on Thursday in Rajshahi. They discussed ways and means of how to strengthen its networking to expedite the legal aid activities.
With Senior District and Session Judge Begum Kabita Khanom in the chair, Metropolitan
Session Judge Altaf Hossain, Speedy Trial Tribunal Judge Golam Ahmed Khalilur Rahman, Women and Children Repression Prevention Special Tribunal Judges Monsur Alam and KM Shaheed Ahmed, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Mijanur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner Kazi Ashraf Uddin, Additional Commissioner of RMP Sarder Tamij Uddin and SP Nisharul Arif spoke on the occasion.
The speakers stressed the need for concerted efforts of all quarters to ensure access to justice of the distressed and disadvantaged people.
They viewed that infusing dynamism in the legal aid services could be the effective means of attaining the cherished goal.
They said only the judiciary or any other single organisation is not capable to ensure legal aid to the underprivileged people so a comprehensive effort is essential in this regard. Importance should be given on bringing close coordination between the works of all the development organisations and judiciary alongside building a network to earn positive result in this regard.
Besides, they emphasised the need for reaching the legal aid activities to the grassroots alongside expediting the services towards the poor and distressed victims for protecting their fundamental rights.
 Earlier, the committee members brought out a rally from the court premises that paraded through the main streets and ended at the same place. Various other government and non-government organizations including ACD, Light House, Brotee and BLAST joined the rally and discussion.