Call to ensure human rights on nat’l polls


Chairman of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Kazi Reazul Hoque on Thursday stressed ensuring human rights of all citizens, including minority communities, centering the eleventh parliamentary election.
“The administrations and law enforcement agencies should ensure proper coordination to work with utmost sincerity in creating congenial environment so that every voter could cast their vote in festive mood and return home safely,” he said.
Hoque made these observations while addressing a view-sharing meeting styled ‘Protection of Human Rights during Election’ organised by NHRC at the Circuit House conference room in Rangpur as the chief guest.
Officials of the district, police and upazila administrations, RAB, and Officers-in-Charge involved in election activities, leaders of minority communities, religious leaders, public representatives, civil society members and online activists were present.
President of the Ekattorer Ghatok Dalal Nirmul Committee Shahriar Kabir addressed the meeting as special guest with Returning Officer and Deputy Commissioner of Rangpur Enamul Habib in the chair.
Secretary to the NHRC Chinmoy Baroi delivered welcome speech narrating the goals and objectives of the meeting and activities being conducted by NHRC to uphold human rights of all citizens in the country.
Additional Commissioner of Rangpur Metropolitan Police Abu Sufian, Additional Superintendent of Police Abu Maruf Hossain, Sanaton community leaders Dhiman Bhattacharya and Subrata Sarker Mukul, among others, spoke.
Shahriar Kabir narrated the violence committed against minority community people centering the 2001 national election and said that the nation can never allow similar communal atrocities in the country.
“We liberated the country winning the War of Liberation at supreme sacrifice of 30 lakh best sons and daughters and honour of two-lakh mothers and sisters to live peacefully in independent Bangladesh irrespective of caste, creed and religion,” he said.
“The administrations alone could not control the situation during the 2001 parliamentary election. In 2014, police were beaten to death at Gaibandha and other places. Social media is now being used for terrorism, militancy and chaos,” Kabir said.
Kabir called upon common people to assist the administrations concerned for ensuring peaceful, free and fair election by stopping and resisting violence against minority communities centering the eleventh parliamentary election.
The NHRC Chairman said Bangladesh has already achieved laudable development and earned reputation and honour allover the world taking the country to a newer height of dignity.
“The eleventh parliamentary election is very important for the nation. We want a free, fair, transport and participatory election ensuring human rights of all voters, including minority voters, to make the country more honoured in the global arena,” Hoque added.
