Call to ensure adolescent-friendly reproductive health services

City Desk :
Time has come to ensure adolescent-friendly reproductive health services to all the target people for substantial and sustainable prevention of child marriage and child pregnancy, speakers at a discussion said.They viewed there should be effective measures of bringing the schoolteachers and others concerned under training on the issue so that they can teach their students and guide them properly. Making the youths free from various misconceptions relating to reproductive health is very vital.
The observation came at the inaugural session of a two-day teachers training styled “School Based Adolescents Awareness Raising” held yesterday at Green Garden Training Center in Rajshahi.
More than 25 teachers including six female from five high schools in Nachole Upazila joined the training.
Agriculture Sustainable and Socio-Economic Development Organization (ASSEDO) and GKS jointly organized the programme in association with Prevention of Child Marriage and Child Pregnancy Project and Oxfam-Novib.
During his welcome address, Rabiul Alam, Executive Director of ASSEDO, said there is no alternative to create community awareness through raising school-based awareness on adolescence for combating the existing rate of child marriage.
He said the project aims to involve community people so that they can play vital role to change the social mindset on child marriage and child pregnancy. Besides, the venture intends to build awareness among the adolescents about their rights on reproductive health, he added.
GKS Chairman Selim Jahangir and its Programme Officer Sarjamin Ahmed, Lecturer of Pabna Technical Training Center Nonda Boshak, Project Field Manager Ajahar Ali and ASSEDO Manager Khaleda Khanom also spoke.The speakers said more responsive role of teachers including other community leaders has become an urgent need to control child marriage as it leads to various violence and repression against women.
 Terming the child marriage as the major violence and gross violation of human rights they said there is no alternative to check it substantially. Despite multifarious interventions by the government and non-government organizations concerned, the child marriage is taking place frequently. In this alarming situation, the mass-media should come forward positively, they added.
They stated that utmost importance should be given to addressing the menace of early marriage of children. Otherwise, the family planning activities will go in vain. Apart from this, the violence against women couldn’t be reduced to a greater extent.