Call to develop all ‘Digital Bangladesh’ progs in Bangla


Information and Broadcasting Secretary Khaja Miah on Monday underscored the need for developing all programmes and systems related to ‘Digital Bangladesh’ in Bangla in order to provide digital services to the general people in a simpler way.
“When we visited different countries like China, Japan and Saudi Arabia we observed that they deliver their all services in their own languages. So, I think all programmes regarding ‘Digital Bangladesh’ should be made in Bangla so that the general people can get the services easily,” he said.
The information secretary made the remarks while addressing the inaugural session of a virtual workshop titled “Role of Local Journalists in Implementing Digital Bangladesh” as the chief guest.
National news agency Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS) and aspire to innovate (a2i) of the Cabinet Division and the ICT Division with the support from the UNDP, jointly organized the daylong workshop, the fourth and the last of its kind for local journalists of BSS in two divisions.
BSS Managing Director and Chief Editor Abul Kalam Azad chaired the opening session of the workshop, while a2i Joint Project Director Salina Pervez addressed it as the key speaker.
Conducted by BSS Managing Editor Anisur Rahman, BSS City Editor and Member of the Board of Directors Madhusudan Mondal delivered the welcome address in the opening session.
Lauding Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s pragmatic measures for transforming the country into “Digital Bangladesh”, Khaja Miah recalled that when the present government took the initiative of materializing the vision “Digital Bangladesh”, many people and opposition parties joked with it.
“But their mockery has been defeated by the premier’s strong measures and her ICT Adviser and able son Sajeeb Wazed Joy’s indomitable willingness”, he said.
Terming the achievement of materializing the vision ‘Digital Bangladesh’ as one of the greatest successes of the present government, the information secretary said they have launched a digital platform titled ‘My Government’ involving five ministries, including Information and Broadcasting Ministry.
“The platform, at the initial stage, would work as an ‘epoch-making initiative’ in delivering digital services to the people,” he said.
Khaja Miah simultaneously put emphasis on uploading all facilities of ‘Digital Bangladesh’ in a leaflet form on website and creating an integrated ID with all necessary documents for every service receiver so that they can get all services using the single ID number.
The information secretary urged the a2i officials to take initiatives in this regard. He also called upon the journalists to project merits and the ways of getting the digital services.
BSS Managing Director Abul Kalam Azad, in his address, said the national news agency BSS had launched its Bangla services during the Awami League government in 1999 aiming at availing the services for the general people of the country.
“All reports, filed by our reporters, are published in both Bangla and English languages after translations,” he informed.
a2i Joint Project Director Salina Pervez in her speech said the a2i is playing a vital role in advancing the ‘Digital Bangladesh’ vision with taking different innovative steps by simplifying the digital services for the citizens.
The a2i high official mentioned that the prime challenge of materializing the vision ‘Digital Bangladesh’ was bringing the rural people under the digital services.
But, she said, the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been able to overcome the challenge successfully by setting up the Union Digital Centers (UDCs) at every union across the country in 2010.
Now more than 290 digital services are being delivered by the 7,602 union digital centers across the country, Salina said.
BSS Chief News Editor AZM Sajjad Hossain Sabuj, Deputy Chief News Editor Omar Faruque, BSS Special Correspondent and Infotainment-in-charge Mahfuza Jesmine, a2i Communication Officer Mamunur Rahman and National Consultant of Communication and Media Outreach ABM Adnan Faisal joined the inaugural session of the workshop, among others.
Later, a2i policy specialist Md Afzal Hossain Sarwar and National Consultant for e-File Implementation Nilufar Yasmin and BSS Deputy Chief News Editor Omar Faruque and Special Correspondent and Infotainment-in-charge Mahfuza Jesmine took part in the workshop as resource persons.
A total of 18 BSS correspondents from Khulna and Barishal divisions joined the daylong workshop virtually.
