Call to defeat Bangabandhu’s sculpture vandals


Criticizing the people who were involved in vandalizing Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s sculpture, Agriculture Minister Dr Muhammad Abdur Razzaque on Friday said those people will be defeated in the same way that Pakistanis and their allies have been defeated in the nine-month bloody war of liberation in 1971.
“Opponents of the installation of Bangabandhu’s sculpture will be defeated in the same way that Pakistanis and their allies have been defeated in the war of liberation in 1971,” he said. He was speaking as the chief guest at a discussion on Tangail Hanadar Mukto Dibosh organized by Tangail Municipality at Tangail Municipal Park.
Replying to a question of journalist about trial of those who broke the sculpture of Bangabandhu in Kushtia, the agriculture minister said according to the constitution, their act is tantamount to sedition and this law will judge them. They must be brought to book, he added. Vandals will be judged on the basis of evidence, he said, adding that if they paid or otherwise cooperated, they would be judged and those who have committed the crimes will not be spared. Bangabandhu wanted to build a secular and democratic state on the basis of Bengali nationalism and justice, but the defeated anti-liberation forces had killed Bangabandhu and his family in 1975 with the collaboration of domestic and international killers, he added.
Since then, they have deliberately destroyed the spirit and ideology of the liberation war for 21 years and continuation of that is the opposition to the installation of Bangabandhu’s sculpture and vandalism, he stated.
The agriculture minister said that the sculpture of Father of the Nation was constructed so that his ideals can be presented to the future of this country or the next generation. Sculpture is a memento or memorial and through this, future generation will be inspired by the spirit of liberation war and freedom, he said, adding that people will also be inspired in human love and humanitarian service through such kind of memorial.
