Call for reaching government services to farm-labourers

BSS, Rangpur :
Speakers at a views-sharing meeting here have stressed for reaching the available government services to the grassroots level male and female farm-labourers easily in a hassle-free manner to improve their livelihoods.
Karmojibi Nari organised the meeting of the leaders of different farm-labourers’ organisations with the officials of different government and non-government service providing organisations at Mithapukur upazila parishad auditorium on Sunday afternoon.
Karmojibi Nari, a rights based organisation, organised the meeting under its ongoing project for strengthening organisations of the farm-labourers, flourishing leadership and establishing just rights of the country’s farm-labourers.
Mithapukur Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mohammad Harun-Ar-Rashid attended the meeting as the chief guest with convener of Rangpur district unit of the ‘Krishi-Sramik Ain Bastobayon Andolan Committee’ Mosfeka Razzaque Shimu in the chair.
Advocacy Officer of Karmojibi Nari Rajib Ahmed, heads and representatives of upazila level service providing government and non-movement departments and organisations, addressed the meeting moderated by Programme Officer of Karmojibi Nari Zabid Hossain Swapan.
Leaders of different farm-labourers’ organisations asked various questions to the officials and representatives of the service providing organisations on the services being provided for farm-labourers and ways for availing those services by them.