Call for combined resistance to militants


Chittagong Bureau :

The leaders of Workers Party, Chittagong District Unit called upon govt to eliminate the militancy from the country with iron hand .
 The workers party leaders disclosed while addressing the human chain formed on Sunday evening in front of Chittagong Press Club to condemn the Gulshan massacre on Friday night. WP , Chittagong unit organized the protest programs as a part of the central committee decision across the country.
 The speakers in the human chain called upon all irrespective party affiliations and opinions to become united for the better interest of the country otherwise it will turn severe nature in coming days. They urged the govt to be more cautious in this issue to curb militant uprising in the country immediately.
 The human chain rally expressed deep shock to the victims of Gulshan carnage and expresses sympathy to the members of the breaved family . President of workers party, chittagong unit Advocate Abu Hanif presided the protest programs. Among others, general secretary Shamsuddin Khaled Selim, Presidium Member Sharif Chowhan, Moktar Ahmed, student leaders Sampada Roy, Prakash Sikder spoke on the occasion.
Ctg AL leaders call for mass unity to curb militancy : The leaders of the ruling Awami League in Chittagong called for mass unity beside the political unity to eliminate the militant uprising from the country.
The leaders said it while addressing the protest meeting for killing 20 dignatories including 17 foreigners at a restaurant in Gulshan , Dhaka recently.
City unit, North and south unit of AL jointly organized the protest rally infront of Chittagong Press club on Sunday evening. Minister for Housing and Public Works Engr. Mosharraf Hossain attended the rally as chief guest duly presided by former city mayor and city AL President ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury .
The chief guest in his brief deliverations hailed the steps of the Prime Minister to end the killing drama within a short time . He blasted the call for unity by BNP as BNP-Jamaat are the mastermind of militancy and it is quite possible to end militancy with the association of Jamaat and their alliances.
He called upon the all patriotic citizens to come under the umbrella of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to curb the militancy .
 Mohiuddin Chowdhry also mentioned that we defeated the occupations forces in 1971 for liberation of Bangladesh and again we will proclaim war against the militancy and the defeated forces.
