Cable operators await govt order to send Peace TV off the air

UNB, Dhaka :
Amid newspaper reports claiming that two of the terrorists who had attacked Holey Artisan Bakery were the followers of Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, cable operators are looking forward to government’s direction to stop the transmission of Peace TV in the country.
Peace TV, which broadcasts Naik’s lectures, is a concern of Islamic Research Foundation based in Mumbai, India.
Talking to UNB, Bangladesh Cable Owners’ Association President Hossain Akhter said the cable operators are ready to stop the transmission of Peace TV throughout the country, but they await a government direction in this correction.
“I myself used to like watching Peace TV. But questions have been raised about it (Peace TV) after the Gulshan attack, we’ll implement any decision to be taken by the government in this connection,” he said.
Hossain Akhter also said the cable operators have already talked to the Information Minister and the minister said the government will take its decision through discussions when the Secretariat will be back into business after the Eid holidays on Sunday.
Contacted, Information Secretary Mortuza Ahmed said he can only comment over the issue only when the office opens on Sunday.
