Cabinet removes Latif Siddique


The cabinet decided to remove Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister Abdul Latif Siddique from the cabinet for his reported remarks against hajj, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina`s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy, Tablighi Jamaat and expatiate Bangladeshis in New York. The decision came on Tuesday afternoon just after Hefajat-e-Islam Bangladesh has given a 48-hour ultimatum to the government to remove Abdul Latif Siddique from the cabinet. Earlier at a programme organised by Awami League Tangail unit in the US on Sunday, the minister, who is in NY as part of the PM`s entourage, said he was against hajj and Tablighi Jamaat more than he detested the Jamaat-e-Islami. “Hajj is waste of manpower,” he said. “Those who perform hajj do not have any productivity. They deduct from the economy, spend a lot of money abroad.” Those in Tablighi Jamaat do not have anything else to do but block roads during a rally, he said. Regarding PM`s son Joy, the minister said: “Who is Joy?” Latif Siddique also slammed a journalist on the spot for “asking too many questions”. “You are invited here, act like a guest and sit quiet.” —
