Cabinet purchase body okays bulk petroleum import for July-Dec


The Cabinet Purchase Committee on Thursday approved separate proposals for import of some 1.620 million metric tons of refined petroleum fuels from eight international petroleum companies at a total cost of Tk 11,098 crore.
State-owned Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) will import the bulk petroleum to meet the country’s demand for the second half (July-Dec) of the current year.
A meeting of the Cabinet body, with Finance Minister AMA Muhith in the chair, gave the nod to the Energy Ministry proposals for the bulk petroleum import and set the premium of the fuels.
The premium for Diesel was fixed at US$ 4.80 per barrel while that of Furnace Oil at US$ 34 per metric tons, down from $35 per metric tons for the first half (Jan-June).
The Cabinet body also approved the Local Government Division proposal for awarding contract to construct five 10-storyed buildings at a cost of Tk 78.96 crore at Dayaganj Sweeper Colony for Dhaka City Corporation’s cleaners’ housing.
Another proposal of the same Division for awarding contract to construct a 520.60 metre bridge in Tangail on Dhaleswari River, and Industries Ministry’s proposal for import of 20,000 metric tons of urea fartiliser from Saudi Arabia also received the Cabinet Purchase body’s nod.
A joint secretary of the Cabinet Division briefed the reporters about the decisions of the Cabinet body meeting. As per the decisions, the state-owned Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) will import 570,000 metric tons of refined petroleum fuel from KPC of Kuwait at a cost of Tk 4258 crore. Of this, 450,000 metric tons are gas oil while the rest is jet-fuel.
The Petco of Malaysia will supply total 375,000 metric tons of refined petroleum at a cost of Tk 2526.19 crore. Of this, 200,000 metric tons are gas oil, 120,000 metrics tons furnace oil and the rest is kerosene and jet-fuel.
The BPC’s some 125,000 metric tons of refined petroleum will come from PNOC of the Philippines at a cost of Tk 887 crore of which 96,000 metric tons gas oil, 20,000 metric tons furnace oil and the rest is octane.
Some 190,000 metric tons of refined petroleum will come from ENOC of the UAE at a cost of Tk 1176.74 crore. Of this, 90,000 metric tons gas oil and the rest 100,000 metric tons furnace oil.
The Petrochina of China will supply 130,000 metric tons of petroleum fuel at a cost of Tk 866.58 crore. Of this, 90,000 metric tons gas oil and 40,000 metric tons furnace oil.
Vietnam’s Petrolimex will provide 110,000 metric tons of refined petroleum at a cost of Tk 631.48 crore, of which gas oil is 30,000 metric tons and furnace oil 80,000 metric tons.
UNIPEC of China will supply 80,000 metric tons of refined petroleum at a cost of Tk 543.27 crore. Of this, gas oil is 60,000 metric tons and furnace oil 80,000 metric tos.
Some 40,000 metric tons of furnace oil will come from Bhumi Siak of Indonesia during the same six-month period of the current year (2014) at a cost of Tk 206.77 crore.
