Cabinet body okays 9 proposals

UNB, Dhaka :
The Cabinet Purchase Committee on Wednesday approved a total of nine proposals, including Tk 1278.65 crore Khulna-Mongla Railway Line construction contract and extension of Bangabandhu Satellite project.
The Cabinet body gave the go-ahead to the proposals in a meeting with Finance Minister AMA Muhith in the chair. However, the committee rejected a tender proposal
of the Food Ministry to import 50,000 metric tons of wheat from a Korean company.
Sources in the meeting said the Cabinet body rejected the proposal finding some gross irregularities in the tender process. The Cabinet purchase body’s rejection came amid the ongoing debate about the Food Ministry’s wheat imported from Brazil which the police department refused to receive in the pretext that the wheat was rotten and not upto the mark.
An Indian firm Inco International Ltd obtained the contract package WD-1 for construction of embankment, track, all civil works, major and minor bridges (except Rupsha Bridge) and culvert and implementation of EMP of the Khulna-Mongla Railway project.
The project is now being implemented under the Indian Line of Credit (LoC). The Cabinet body extended both time and cost of Bangabandhu Satellite Project’s US consultant Space Partnership International. Now the consultant will get Tk 133.72 crore instead of original cost of Tk 71.98 crore while its tenure was extended till March 2018 from March 2015.