Cabinet approves draft of Trademark (amendment) Act, 2014


BSS, Dhaka :
The cabinet Monday approved in principle the draft of Trademark (amendment) Act, 2014 with a proposal for extending the time to resolve dispute relating to trademark of product or service.
Existing law provides 120 working days for resolving any dispute on trademark. The new law extended the time for 360 working days.
The approval was given in the regular meeting of the cabinet held at Bangladesh Secretariat with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.
Briefing reporters after the meeting Cabinet Secretary M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said the issue of trademark registration is a lengthy process which is done in seven stages. Besides, many documents are needed to send abroad through embassies for verification.
‘So present timeframe is ‘impractical’ as it is not possible to resolve a case within the existing timeframe,’ he said.
Industries Ministry came with the proposal in the cabinet for extending the present timeframe, he said.
Cabinet members, state ministers and concerned secretaries were present in the meeting.
Cabinet Secretary said Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed the cabinet about the recent visit of Bangladesh delegation led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
After assuming office in January this year, it was the first visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to UNGA as the head of the present government. On the sidelines of the UNGA, the prime minister attended a number of important events including Climate Summit, high level discussion on UN Peacekeeping and Global Education First Initiative (GEFI).
Ministers and advisors accompanying the prime minister during the visit also took part in a several essential discussions while members of business delegation engaged their time and efforts to promote trade relation with their US counterparts.
