CA-based technologies to fight changing climate for ensuring food security

BSS, Rangpur :
There is no alternative to adoption of conservation agriculture (CA)-based technologies to keep crop production increasing amid changing climate making farm activities profitable to ensure food security.
Despite growing threat from adverse impacts of climate change on agriculture, it is possible to attain sustainable food security by increasing crop production by the farmers through popularising CA-based technologies and mechanisation of agriculture.
According to the agriculture scientists and experts, adoption of CA-based technologies and mechanisation of agriculture would make farm activities profitable side b y side improving environment, ecology, bio-diversity, soil health and land fertility.
Renowned rice scientist and Associate Director- Agriculture of BRAC International (South Asia & Africa) Dr MA Mazid said CA-based technologies help to increase crop yield, save water, facilitate crop intensification and remunerative markets for produce.
He stressed for quicker dissemination of the latest CA-based technologies among the farmers with increased subsidies for easier procurement of the necessary machineries, inputs, spares and other materials by them to facilitate the process.
Noted agriculturist and Executive Director of North Bengal Institute of Development Studies Dr Syed Samsuzzaman said adoption of CA-based technologies will reduce crop durations, improve fertiliser managements and reduce labour, fuel and irrigation costs.
He also narrated as how the farmers are now being benefited through using the CA-based technologies like minimum tillage or zero tillage, direct seeded rice, bed- planting with two-wheel tractors in light texture soil at different areas amid changing climate.
Agriculture and Environment Coordinator of RDRS Bangladeshi Mamunur Rashid said adoption of CA-based technologies like Alternate Wetting and Drying irrigation method through public- private and GO- NGO collaboration would reduce crop production costs.
He said quick delivery of latest agri-technologies for system-based crop diversification and mechanisation of agriculture would help to cope with climate change impacts and increase crop production for ensuring food security and livelihoods of the people.
Extension Agronomist of Cereal System Initiatives for South Asia and International Maize & Wheat Improvement Centre (CSISA- CIMMYT) of the USAID-funded CSISA-BD Project at Rangpur Hub Anarul Haque suggested for using CA-based technologies.
He discussed crop rotation technology in which seeds are planted in minimum, no-till or reduced tillage using with some crop residue retention on soil surfaces to promote better germination with residual moisture and reduce unproductive loss of water.
He narrated the success achieved through adoption of CA-based technologies and introduction of newer cropping patterns like rice-wheat-mungbean/jute, rice- potato- relay/maize and rice-vegetables-wheat and rice- sugarcane with intercrops like garlic, onion/vegetables to increase crop yield.
Horticulture Specialist of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam stressed for providing training to the farmers on pesticide, herbicide and fertiliser managements and quicker delivery of the CA- based technologies.
The framers have already started getting tremendous benefits from adoption of the CA-based agri- technologies like water saving, intercropping, better nutrient, fertiliser and pesticide managements, drought escaping, cost- saving and more crop output, he said.
Deputy Director of the DAE Zulfiquer Haider said adoption of CA-based technologies have started making farm activities more profitable for the farmers increasing crop yield to ensure food security improving soil health, ecology and environment.