Butterfly Group Bangladesh plans for environment friendly business

Business Desk :
Butterfly Group Bangladesh has been doing business in Bangladesh from 1987. From a humble beginning they have now in 210 showrooms and more than 800 dealer network. Now the Butterfly Manufacturing Co. Ltd is manufacturing Air conditioner and Refrigerator and Butterfly industries Ltd which is into manufacturing of LED TV. Company has strengthened Eco+ Product focus and line up in the recent past which is their local product.  
LG is world renowned Korean brand name in Consumer electronics and home appliances segment and considered to be the mutual growth partner of Butterfly Group Bangladesh. Now their main target is to give high end and quality products to the customers. M Tanvir Alam head of operations butterfly manufacturing CO LTD. talked with the new nation about their production plans. He said, “The world has changed a lot in the last few decades. The world is moving to a more environment friendly products and production. We are moving to the environment friendly production and products also. The gas which we use in our compressors is R410 which is environment friendly and has no effect on to ozone layer. The factories what we have are eco friendly also. We made underground cyclopentene reservoirs for safe for workers and the environment around it. We have backup generators which have the lowest carbon emissions and our CEO checked the emission reports before purchasing. Our LED TV factory is in the green category and the fridge plant is in the Orange category by the GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH. We don’t compromise environment for our production. Even we take consent of local people before our development projects.
We focus on the brown land rather than the green lands while we take a development projects. The non inverter Air conditioner and refrigerators have ended production around the world and we will also shift to full inverter production soon. We think that if we need to save the nature to sustain future.” When we asked about the future business plans of the company he said, “As we had lack of production and we had to import products from abroad the prices of thee products were high. But at present we are making and assembling the products in Bangladesh.