Commentary: Butchering of Syrian Muslims when America sleeps will have consequences

After five years of brutal conflict in which half the population has been forced from their homes, there is still no end in sight to the war in Syria. One of the reasons behind this longevity is that Syria has become a post-factual conflict and it is that dynamic that fundamentally undermines any political solution. As we see, the global powers involved in Syrian battleground are not wishful to end the seemingly endless civil war unless destroying all the Syrians or making all of them refugees. Since the civil war begun in 2011 as a Arab Spring shock, hundreds of thousands civilians have died, life expectancy has been set back by two decades, 80 percent people of the country lives in poverty and at least $200bn of damage has been done to the country’s infrastructure.

At this moment, Syrian and Russian forces, together with Iranian and Hezbollah militia fighters, are preparing to finish the rebels’ siege of Aleppo. The 275,000 people who reportedly remain in the city have been told to flee. The poor souls who remain in Aleppo will suffer a surge in relentless, indiscriminate bombing. And when Assad, Putin and their allies have slaughtered all who stand in their way, they will proclaim peace in the bloody sands of the Syrian desert. Meanwhile, Assad and Putin are creating military facts on the ground in Syria that will enable them to dictate the terms of a peace secured by carnage. They have decimated coalition-backed Syrian groups, slaughtered countless civilians, consolidated the Syrian regime’s hold on power, and even struck a United Nations humanitarian-aid convoy. And they have done all of this with no consequences.

France is moving to reach some understanding with Russia to end blocking Syrians in Aleppo which is not going to be meaningful as Russia knows that US President Barack Obama as chief of the Super Power, does not know how to use power. As a result Russia feels free to butcher Syrians to show how duplicitous and discriminatory the West is on human rights or genocide.

The US Secretary of State John Kerry angrily said it is of no use in having happy talk with Russia when no result is to be achieved. That should not mean that Russia will have a happy time bombing in Syria committing genocide ignoring America’s Super Power position. President Putin of Russia is treating America as a lame duck.
