Businesspeople seeking an end to destructive political programmes

UNB, Dhaka :
Upset at the non-stop transport blockade and violence, businesspeople will peacefully demonstrate across the country carrying the national flag on Sunday, seeking an end to destructive political programmes to restore a business-friendly environment in the country.
Leaders of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), meanwhile, have distributed the national flag and leaflets among the businesspeople in the city on Saturday urging them to take part in the programme.
“We’ve conveyed one message to them (businesspeople) — join hands to stand peacefully,” FBCCI vice president M Helal Uddin told UNB.
He said the FBCCI leaders, including its president Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed and first vice president Monowara Hakim Ali, distributed the leaflets and the national flag among businesspeople in the city.
The businesspeople will hold the national flag in hands and take positions in front of their business organizations across the country from 12pm to 12:15pm, while FBCCI leaders will take position in front of the FBCCI Bhaban. The national anthem will be played during the programme.
The FBCCI President, on behalf of the business community, will read out a written memorandum during the programme.
Country’s top business leaders will take part in the programme and the FBCCI represents almost 3.5 crore business people across the country.
On January 28, business leaders and exporters protested the mindless violence across the country and sought an end to the anarchy to help keep the wheel of the economy moving.
They urged the politicians not to do politics by killing innocent people, destroying the economy, and sought peaceful political programmes from the political parties to keep the economy functional.
Over 50 organisations under the leadership of Bangladesh Garment Manufactures and Exporters Association (BGMEA), Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA), Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA) and other trade bodies related to the export industry formed a human chain in front of the city’s BGMEA Bhaban.
They also handed over a memorandum to Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia seeking a solution to destructive political programmes.
The country suffered a colossal economic loss of Tk 36445.76 crore in the first 16 days’ countrywide hartal and blockade programmes this month, according to Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI).