Businessmen urge for bring down interest rate of SME loan

Economic Reporter :
The business leaders on Wednesday urged for bring down the interest rate of SME loan at single digit at a meeting of the FBCCI Standing Committee relating to Ministry of Industries (SMEs) at FBCCI Conference Centre.
For the development of the sector, they also urged for proper monitoring so that the genuine SME entrepreneurs can get the support allocated for them.
Moreover, the business leaders requested the concerned authority to formulate a separate SME policy.
Discussants at the meeting said that besides traditional products, SME entrepreneurs are now manufacturing technology based modern products. They urged for conducting a survey to identify the demand and production base of the SME products being produced in the country.
The meeting also recommended the big entrepreneurs to restrain from producing and marketing of SME products so that the SME entrepreneurs may not be affected badly.
Md. Abu Naser, Director In-Charge of the committee, presented the detailed future plan of the committee while Shamim Ahmed, Chairman of the Standing Committee presided over the meeting.
Representatives from BSTI and different finance institutions were also present on the occasion. FBCCI Directors Khandaker Ruhul Amin, Abu Motaleb and Hafez Harun-Or-Roshid also participated in the discussion. Businessmen urge for bring down the interest rate of SME loan.