Demolition of Blossom Garden Market by CDA: Businessmen claim Tk 150cr compensation, violation of court order alleged

Chittagong Bureau :
The shop owners of Blossom Garden Market in the city have claimed loss of Tk.150 crores following the demolition of the market by Chittagong Development Authority ( CDA) on Friday morning .
 This was alleged by the sufferers at a press conference held at Chittagong Press Club on Saturday evening.
The speakers in the conference told that CDA did not comply the order of the higher court. Despite status-quo of the High Court Division of Supreme Court , CDA officials evicted the market violating court order.
 Shop owners Saiful Karim read out the written statement before the newsmen on behalf of the owner of the market Syed Ziad Rahman.
He alleged that in the presence of one authorised officer of CDA Engr.Shamim demolished 18 shops including market infrastructures on Friday morning that caused huge loss to properties and merchandise. The loss was estimated at about Tk.150 crores and said it was totally a motivated consequences of a vested quarters .
 The press meet also informed that valuable commodities of these fashionable show rooms and sophisticated sales centres of fabrics were also stolen by the miscreants from the spot with the advantages of uncalled demolishment of the market.
The speakers also said the loss of the traders would be minimized to some extents if they were given atleast 24 hours notice for removing their merchandises from the respective shops.
 An order of the HC Division for maintaining the status quo by the both parties were shown to the pressmen .
|Following the a number of questions of the journalists , the owner of the market and the shop said, they will file a suit against CDA demanding compensation of Tk.150 crores . CDA sources said the market was constructed by grabbing CDA’s land illegally by the owner of the market.