Businesses for long-term political stability for growth


BSS, Dhaka :
Country’s leading businessmen on Thursday lauded the prevailing political stability and favoured continuation of this for high economic growth.
They are still optimistic about forging a consensus among the major political parties for long-term political stability.
Talking to BSS, President of federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed said “I see the present political stability a positive sign towards country’s economy but people are still worried about the political unrest that might come back to negate economic achievement.
Political instability hit the economy hard, he said mentioning the worst-ever political conflict before the January 5 national elections.
“But I am optimistic that the flow of business -friendly political environment will persist in the coming days.” Political parties will come to a consensus to hold on the environment for economic sustainability, hoped FBCCI chief.
Besides, he said, country’s people will have to understand what they want between political instability and peace. “People saw in their own eyes the impact of the conflicting politics on the economy,” he said.
“Political instability gave us nothing but killing of innocent people, vandalism of public properties and obstruction to image building abroad,” said the apex trade body chief.
DCCI president Mohammad Shahjahan Khan said maintaining law and order, political stability are pre-requisites for trade and commerce and investment for today and to-morrow.
“We are back in business as supply chain is now functioning smoothly but we don’t see the economic impetus that we are expecting”
“We are back in business but we could not back in investment,” said DCCI boss.
In this regard, he cited an example of real estate sector saying that sale of flats reduced drastically in recent days. On the other hand, he said, idle money of banks is not being invested in trade and commerce.
Shahjahan favoured a negotiation among the major political parties to avert political conflicts in the coming years.
“But we are not definite whether the must needed dialogue would take place for sure.but it has to take place for country’s 80 lakh small and large business establishments,” he said.
M Atiqul Islam, president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), said, “Work orders from international buyers are picking up with the return of political stability after the January 5 polls.
He said garment makers are hopeful to achieve the export growth target at the end of the year, if there is no political disturbance.
