Business recovery confidence grows stronger: Sanem


Business Desk :
Business confidence for strong recovery jumped to about 16 percent of entrepreneurs in four months from only 4% in October, says a SANEM survey.
Worries about recovery also dropped with about 15 percent of entrepreneurs now anticipating a weak recovery, which was 26 percent in October, according to survey report.
The South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (Sanem) compiled the report following a study among more than 500 businesses from manufacturing and service sectors.
Professor Selim Raihan, Executive Director of the Sanem presented the report of third round of national firm level survey of “COVID-19 and Business Confidence in Bangladesh” at a webinar on Tuesday, joined by business leaders.
Dr Raihan said, survey conducted in January found 71 percent of entrepreneurs were confident about economic recovery and the rate is unchanged compared to October study.
