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Exporters appeal for incentive package

Kazi Zahidul Hasan :
Exporters are going to seek a ‘special incentive package’ from the government so that they can overcome the losses suffered due to the ongoing blockade and hartals enforced by BNP-led opposition alliance, insiders said.
They said the ongoing non-stop blockade associated with long-spell of hartals has severely affected production and shipment of exports forcing businesses to suffer huge financial loss.
The Exporters Association of Bangladesh (EAB) will put forward a set of recommendations in this regard to the concerned ministry by the end of this week.
“We will request the government to roll out a ‘special package’ that would comprise of financial and policy supports for the export-oriented industries,” Abdus Salam Murshedy, President of Exporters Association of Bangladesh (EAB) told The New Nation yesterday.
He said, the EAB, being the apex trade body of the country’s export sector, is coordinating the matter with other major export sector’s trade bodies like BGMEA, BKMEA and BTMA.
Under the proposed package, the exporters will seek extended period of loan-repayment and rescheduling, declassification of previous loans, CIB clearance, additional cash incentives for developing new export markets, soft loan facility, tax break at import and export level etc.  
Murshedy said, many export units have already become bankrupt due to losses suffered from the adverse business climate now prevailing in the country. “If the companies continue to be classified due to non-payment of installments, they will not get any further loan from banks and will not be able to run their business,” he added.
He further said providing such facilities would be logical if we consider the current political situation. It could also help keep their wheels running as well as prevent huge number of job losses.
“We will try to convince the government for getting the much needed package for the survival of the export sector,” he said.
 When asked, the EAB leader said, the ready-made garment (RMG), the country’s largest export earning sector as usual is the worst victim of the ongoing political unrest and the sector suffer Tk 360 crore loss from a day’s of blockade and hartal.
If you estimate the total loss from the last 51st days of blockade, it already crosses Tk 18,360 crore, he added.
The last 51st days blockade along with hartals virtually cut the capital from other parts of the country severely affecting all economic sector.